Source code for selenium_configurator.driver

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]class DriverFactory: """This class parse the config dict to generate the list of Driver """ @classmethod def get_web_drivers(cls, conf): web_drivers = [] global_capabilities = conf.get('global_capabilities', None) for driver in conf['drivers']: if 'class' not in driver: raise ValueError("missing `class` key in driver config %r", driver) index = driver['class'].rfind('.') module_name = driver['class'][:index] class_name = driver['class'][index + 1:] if module_name not in sys.modules: __import__(module_name) module = sys.modules[module_name] driver_class = getattr(module, class_name) web_drivers.extend(driver_class.get_web_drivers( driver, global_capabilities=global_capabilities)) return web_drivers
[docs]class Driver(object): """Abstract class to define and ensure to expose uniform public API We mainly recommand to use `get_web_drivers` class method to instanciate Drivers. For instance remote webdrivers that use service like selenium Grid will return multiple instance of Driver.. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta _name = None _web_driver = None _capabilities = None conf = None global_capabilities = None """Capabilities shared between drivers""" @classmethod
[docs] def get_web_drivers(cls, conf, global_capabilities=None): """Class method to prepare Driver(s) instance according current Driver class and given settings. :param conf: a dict that contains the Driver configuration :param global_capabilities: Capabilities shared over Drivers configuration :return: a list of Driver """ return [cls(conf, global_capabilities=global_capabilities)]
def __init__(self, conf, global_capabilities=None, name=None): """ :param conf: configuration for the given driver, overwrite global capabilities :param global_capabilities: capabilities shared over drivers :return: An instance of Driver class """ self.conf = conf self._capabilities = (deepcopy(global_capabilities) if global_capabilities else {}) self._capabilities.update(conf.get('capabilities', {})) if name: self._name = name @property def name(self): """ :return: the technical name that describe the related webdriver """ return self._name @property def selenium(self): """Get the instance of webdriver, it starts the browser if the webdriver is not yet instantied :return: a `selenium instance < api.html#module-selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver>` """ if not self._web_driver: self._web_driver = self._start_driver() return self._web_driver
[docs] def quit(self): """Prefer this way to ``quit()`` a selenium to properly re-open the browser in case it was closed """ if self._web_driver: self._web_driver.quit() self._web_driver = None
@abstractmethod def _start_driver(self): """Abstract method that MUST be set un sub class :return: the WebDriver instance """