Reference documentation


File format

The configuration file can be a Json file or a Yaml file.

Structure documentation

Json structure:

  "drivers": [
      "class": ""
    }, ...
  "global_capabilites": {

Yaml structure:

    - class:
    - ...

  • drivers requierd: Array of config driver
  • global_capabilities optional: Capabilities shared with all drivers, can be overload on each driver definition


In the following documentation we are going to display only Json format

Configuration driver

Each selenium webdriver MUST have a Configuration driver class to later start the browser:

    "capabilities": {
        "foo": "bar",
  • class required: This is the absolute python import to the python

    configuration driver class

  • capabilities optional: selenium capabilities to use for this webdriver

    overwrite global_capabilities


Depending the configuration driver class used, the driver configuration format MAY differ.

We can distinguish 2 kind of webdriver:

  • local: using to launch browser on the same computer where the code is


  • remote: to run browser on other computers.

In the later case we can call it directly or using a service (Selenium Grid, Sauce, ...) that give us a single entry point to communicate with. In this case you will get an extra parameter to ask: is there / where is the browser with those capabilities request_drivers those services will give you an available browser to run your test on.

This library provide a list of configuration driver class to map common selenium webdriver:

  • Local drivers: Require selenium drivers installed for the given browser on

    the computer you are running this lib

    • selenium_configurator.drivers.local.Firefox
    • selenium_configurator.drivers.local.Chrome
    • selenium_configurator.drivers.local.Opera
    • selenium_configurator.drivers.local.Safari
    • selenium_configurator.drivers.local.Ie
    • selenium_configurator.drivers.local.Phantomjs
  • Remote drivers:

    • selenium_configurator.drivers.local.Grid

Extending configuration file

Not implemented yet! I would love to add the capability to a configuration file to extend an other configuration files to allow more flexibility over plateform constraint.

Confidential information

When using Grid service like Sauce / ... you may want to not store private tocken on this config file! I expect to manage this use cas when I’ll need it the first time


Use this library

This is a simple example how to use this library:

from selenium_configurator.conf.configurator import Configurator

selenium_conf = Configurator.from_file('/path/to/selenium.json')
drivers = selenium_conf.get_drivers() # list of config drivers class

# to visit website on each browser define on selenium.json
for driver in drivers:

For further information please have a look to the API documentation

Configuration driver class

Extending existing driver